Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I move-in? 

1) Spot Cash
Move-in is after house completion and issuance of move-in papers from the Customer Care Department. 

2) Bank financing

NRFO (For construction) 
Move-in is after loan release and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department.

RFO (constructed) Early Move-in
Move-in is after payment of required down payment and submission of complete documents with bank Letter Of Guarantee (LOG) and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department. 

3) In-house Financing
Move-in is upon house completion and payment of at least 3 monthly amortizations (after full down payment) and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department. 

4) Deferred Cash (2 years to pay without interest) 
Move-in is after payment of 70% of the Total Contract Price and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department. 

* - Applicable to selected RFO projects/units only. May change witout prior notice.

What are the financing options? 

1) Deferred Cash (No Down, No Interest) 
Total Contract Price (TCP) is payable in 24 months at zero percent interest. Start of house construction is after payment of 50% of the Total Contract Price and submission of completerequired documents. Move-in is after payment of 70% of the Total Contract Price and issuance of Move-in papers by the Customer Care Department. 

2) Bank FinancingMinimum of 20% downpayment. House construction will start 30 days after full downpayment and submision of all required documents. Move-in is after loan release and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department. 

Monthly amortization should not exceed 30% of the gross (combined husband & wife) income.

3) In-house Financing 
Minimum of 20% downpayment. This option is offered only if the client is not qualified for bank financing. Interest rate (19% p.a.) is fixed for the loan duration. House construction will start 30 days after full downpayment and submission of all required documents. Move-in is after payment of 3 months loan amortizations and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department.

*  What are the required documents?

Required Documents for Spot Cash
• Birth Certificate or Marriage Contract
• 2 Valid IDs
• Community Tax Certificate (Cedula) / Photocopy of Passport (all pages w/ entries)
• 2 pcs. 2" x 2" id pictures (husband and wife) 

Required Documents for Deferred Cash (2 years to pay)
• Birth Certificate or Marriage Contract
• 2 Valid IDs
• Community Tax Certificate (Cedula) / Photocopy of Passport (all pages w/ entries)
• 2 pcs. 2" x 2" id pictures (husband and wife)
• Proof of Billing Address (Utility bills)
• Post dated checks

Required Documents if with Financing

Overseas Contract Workers (OFWs)
• Original Certificate of Employment and Compensation w/ Consular Seal
• Photocopy of Contract of Employment
• Photocopy of Passport (all pages with entries)
• Proof of Remittances (latest 6 months)
• Pay Slips (latest 3 months)
• 2 Valid IDs
• Bank Statements (latest 6 months)
• Birth Certificate or Marriage Contract
• Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
• 2 pcs. 2" x 2" id pictures (husband and wife)
• Proof of Billing Address (Utility bills)
• Post dated checks

Locally Employed
• Photocopy of Income Tax Return (ITR)
• Original and Notarized Certificate of Employment and Compensation (COEC)
• Pay Slips (latest 3 months)
• 2 Valid IDs 
• Bank Statements (latest 6 months)
• Birth Certificate or Marriage Contract
• Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
• 2 pcs. 2" x 2" id pictures (husband and wife)
• Proof of Billing Address (Utility bills)
• Post dated checks

Self-Employed (Business)
• Photocopy of Business Registration (DTI/SEC)
• Mayor's Permit
• ITR for the last 2 years
• Original Audited Financial Statements for the last 2 years
• Franchise/OR/CR (for taxi, jeepney, bus operators)
• PTR (For practicing professionals)
• Company Profile (if applicable)
• Picture of Business Establishment
• Bank Statements (latest 6 months)
• Birth Certificate or Marriage Contract
• 2 Valid IDs
• Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
• 2 pcs. 2" x 2" id pictures (husband and wife)
• Proof of Billing Address (Utility bills)
• Post dated checks

Note: Other documents may be required on a case to case basis.

How to qualify for bank financing?

One of the factors to qualify for bank financing is the income. Monthly amortization should not exceed 30% of gross (combined applicant & spouse, if married) income. 

Monthly income = Php100,000
The net disposable income or NDI is Php30,000 (30% of Php100,000) 

Monthly amortization of loan should not exceed NDI. 

* Financing Options

1) Deferred Cash (No Down, No Interest) 
Total Contract Price (TCP) is payable in 24 months at zero percent interest. Start of house construction is after payment of 50% of the Total Contract Price and submission of completerequired documents. Move-in is after payment of 70% of the Total Contract Price and issuance of Move-in papers by the Customer Care Department. 

2) Bank FinancingMinimum of 20% downpayment. House construction will start 30 days after full downpayment and submision of all required documents. Move-in is after loan release and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department. 

Monthly amortization should not exceed 30% of the gross (combined husband & wife) income.

3) In-house Financing 
Minimum of 20% downpayment. This option is offered only if the client is not qualified for bank financing. Interest rate (19% p.a.) is fixed for the loan duration. House construction will start 30 days after full downpayment and submission of all required documents. Move-in is after payment of 3 months loan amortizations and issuance of move-in papers by the Customer Care Department.

* How to own a Camella home? 

Own a Camella Home

1) Select location and preferred house and lot package.

2) Visit the site to see model house and actual lot where the house is to be constructed. Please send a representative if you are working abroad. Contact us for site visit schedule.

3) Pay reservation fee.

4) Submit basic requirements such as ID and proof of income.

5) Pay monthly down payment and amortization. 

* When is the start of house construction?

House Construction

Assuming the selected/reserved lot is already buildable, house construction will start as follows: 

1) Spot Cash

House construction will start 30 days after full payment and submission of all required documents.

2) Bank financing
House construction will start 30 days after full down payment and submission of all required documents.

3) In-house Financing
House construction will start 30 days after full down payment and submission of all required documents.

4) Deferred Cash (2 years to pay without interest)
Start of house construction is after payment of 50% of the Total Contract Price and submission of all required documents.

House construction period is ideally 4 to 6 months.